Save the date on these upcoming church events

Back To School Bash - August 28th
1st grade - 6th grade -6:30-8:00 pm
7th - 12th grade  - 6:30 - 10:00 pm
Snazzy Sunday Resumes - September 1st
Sunday School for 7th-12th grade during the 9:00 am service
All Church Baptisms and BBQ's
We provide the hotdogs and hamburgers, you provide the sides and desserts

Agar's - July 21st
Cromwell's - August 4th
Phil Mill's - August 25th
Family Night Resumes - September 11
Dinner 5:30
Worship 6:00  
Classes for all ages 6:15-7:15

* No Family Night on September 25th
* Pumpkin Carving and Chili Cook Off on October 30th 

Explore NNU - September 12-15th
Snazzy G. Jr/Sr Tour of Northwest Nazarene University!
  • Mark your calendars for September 12-15!!!
  • Space is limited for this trip!! Limit 10 students. Priority is given to juniors and seniors, if you are younger but interested in going on this tour you will be put on a waiting list.
  • Price TBD, but it's looking like it will be about $185.00 per student.

    • Includes gas, all meals, accommodation, and an adventure day in the Treasure Valley.
RSVP here 
NYI District Youth Silverwood Trip - September 21
Details TBD
Discounted Group Rates
Christmas Musical Practice Begins - October 6th
Practices are held during 2nd service Sunday School.
Dress Rehearsal will be Saturday December 14th
Light Up The Night - Sunday October 27th
Annual Fall Family Carnival 3:00-5:00 pm
"Habits of the Household" Parent Workshop - November 16th
More details TBD

Advent Family Nights
November 20th - Decorate for Christmas
November 27th - No Family Night (Thanksgiving week)
December 4th - Christmas Movie and Pajama Family Night
December 11th - White Elephant Gift and Cookie Exchange
December 18th - Christmas Caroling 
Christmas Musical - December 15th
Performed During Both Services

Kid's Movie Night - February 14th
This is the grand prize for kids who participate in this semester's Bible Buddy Bible Reading Challenge.
Also doubles as a sweet date night plan for parents!
5:30-8:00. Snacks provided, kids should eat dinner first. 
Live Auction Fundraiser for Youth Group NYC Trip
Probably February 16th after church
Potluck and live auction