Snazzy G Winter Retreat (7th-12th grade) - January/31-February/2
Cocolalla Bible Camp
Registration is open, cost $125.00
Register Here 

Kid's Movie Night - February 14th
This is the grand prize for kids who participate in this semester's Bible Buddy Bible Reading Challenge.
Also doubles as a sweet date night plan for parents!
We will meet at the movie theater to see Paddington Goes To Peru. Kids who completed the reading plan will get their tickets and snack box paid for. Other kids are welcome but will need to pay for their own tickets and treats. Preschoolers and under must be accompanied by a parent.  
Teen Fundraiser for Breakthrough- February 17
President's Day - Interior car cleaning
Stop by the church and have your car vacuumed, the interior wiped down, and windows cleaned. Please remove trash and clutter from your car before coming. Donations go to help teens earn money for the NYI event Breakthrough. 

Ash Wednesday Family Night - March 5
Dinner, prayer stations, worship, and communion
Breakthrough (NYI event) - March 14-16
Grandview WA
This is a District NYI Event
Resurrection Sunday - April 20
Easter Egg hunt for children during sunday school in both the 9:00am and 10:30 services
Month of MAYhem - Family Night themed nights
May 7 - Wild West Night
May 14 - Decade Night
Rummage Sale Fundraiser - May 16-17
This is where the description goes.
Graduation Sunday - June 1
Honoring our 2025 high school graduates 
VBS volunteer meeting - June 4
All VBS volunteers must attend this meeting 
VBS Decorating Night - June 11
Help us prepare our church for TRUE NORTH!
"True North" VBS - June 16-20 + 22
Evening event M-F.
VBS Sunday, June 22 during church with potluck to follow

Snazzy G Silverwood Day - July 2
Annual youth group trip to Silverwood. This is also when the new 7th graders are officially welcome to youth group!
Summer Backyard Youth Groups - Begin July 9
July 9
July 15
August 6
August 13
August 20
August 27
NYI Summer Camp (7th-12th grade) - July 22-26
NYI Teen Summer Camp
Riverview Bible Camp, Cusick WA
Yes, those dates are correct. Tuesday-Saturday is all the campground had available this year. 
Kids Adventure Camp (3rd-7th grade) - July 28-Aug 1
NDI Camp for kids and pre-teens.
New 7th graders can choose which camp to go to.
Riverview Bible Camp Cusick, WA
5th- 6th Paddle Boarding and Ice Cream event - early August TBD
This is where the description goes.
Back to School Bash - August 24
This is where the description goes.

Save the date on these upcoming church events